American Egg Donation FAQ


What is the difference between US egg donation and domestic underground egg donation?

Unlike domestic underground egg donation and black intermediaries, the United States has mature legal provisions for egg donation and is protected by law. And in California, more mature egg donation companies and egg donation lawyers have been formed. With legal protection and a series of physical, psychological and genetic screenings in regular hospitals, it can better ensure that female donors provide true basic information, and at the same time, prospective parents can confirm and screen through inspections. At the same time, due to the involvement of lawyers, egg donor companies and surrogacy agencies generally require female donors to provide written documents to prove the authenticity of relevant information, such as academic certificates, transcripts, medical history (experienced female donors can also Provide previous egg retrieval). In the event of any accident, the entire process can be protected by law and protected by a medical insurance company.

Can I meet an egg donor?

The vast majority of egg donors belong to anonymous egg donors and will not meet with their prospective parents; there are also a few egg donors who agree with each other and will have a note when choosing to donate eggs.

What should I do if the egg donation physical examination fails?

Only egg donor companies can recommend new egg donor candidates. This will lose some costs, including inspection fees, travel expenses of egg donors, etc.

Choosing to donate eggs, what are the biggest risks for prospective parents?

The purpose of buying eggs is to get normal embryos that pass PGS. The egg is only a semi-finished product, and the embryo is the goal. The ultimate goal is to successfully give birth to a child. The biggest risk is that in the end, embryos that can be transplanted are not cultivated. This reason is difficult to define. It may be that the number of eggs taken is relatively small, or that the quality of the egg/sperm is poor. Of course, this risk is relatively low. Generally speaking, the success rate of egg donation is the highest. The cost of egg donation plus the cost of an IVF clinic is about $6. The last thing you want to see is the money spent and no embryos.

How many eggs can be removed at one time?

Most Asian egg donors can take out a dozen or twenty eggs, and there are also cases where more than forty eggs are taken out. If the number of eggs removed is less than 10, the situation is not very optimistic.

What if the genetic screening results are abnormal?

The requirements of each clinic are different. Some check the genes of dozens of diseases for egg donors, some check dozens of genes, and the most check more than 280. The more you check, the greater the probability of finding the problem. Like more than 280 items, one or two genes are carried, which is relatively common. Usually these genetic diseases are very rare. If the prospective father does not carry the same disease-causing gene, the child will not get sick in the future, and he can continue to use this donor. Of course, children may carry disease-causing genes in the future. If it happens that the prospective father also carries this disease-causing gene, there is a 1/4 probability that the child will get sick in the future, then it is generally not recommended to use this egg donor. If the donor is carrying a more common single-gene recessive genetic disease, such as thalassemia, usually the clinic will also recommend changing the donor, of course, the final decision of the prospective parents.

Why is the donor's compensation more expensive than experienced?

If you have the previous successful egg retrieval experience, there are a large number of eggs, many embryos, and even embryos have been transferred and successfully conceived, which proves that the donor’s body is very good, and similar results may be obtained if the egg is retrieved again. , Which reduces the risk

Experienced egg donors are familiar with all aspects, and generally do not exit midway. The high degree of cooperation also reduces the risk.

Do I need to consider blood type factors when choosing an egg donor?

It varies from person to person. Generally, single customers do not consider blood type, couples consider more. If you do not intend to tell your child the real situation in the future, you will have to ask for the blood type of the egg donor to avoid the blood type that is not possible between the couple.



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