Introduction to Dr. Jeffrey R. Nelson, an American IVF expert

Dr. Nelson joined the lineup of the HRC Fertility Infertility Center in 1992. He is the longest-serving physician in the center. He is also a founding partner of the Infertility Center.He is an internationally renowned expert in reproductive endocrinology and infertility.Over the past two decades, he has devoted himself to providing personalized and holistic comprehensive medical treatment and services to infertility patients around the world.He is currently the medical director and chief physician of the reproductive surgery operating room of the HRC Fertility Center.

Dr. Nelson has won many awards, including the Los Angeles Best Physician Award in 2001, Pasadena Magazine’s Best Physician Award for five consecutive years since 2009, and the American Society of Humanized Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology (FACOOG) 2002 Annual Conference Education Contribution Medical Fund Award, Pennsylvania Hospital Research Teaching Award, and Obstetrics and Gynecology Resident Academic Merit Award.

Research development is also a part of Dr. Nelson's focus. He co-authored one of the largest clinical studies to explore the most effective method of ovarian stimulation during IVF treatment.He has written many books reviewed by peers, and published research results in many professional conferences at home and abroad.

In terms of professional training, after graduating from Michigan State University, Dr. Nelson entered the North Texas State University School of Medicine for a medical degree, then received residency training in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Riverside Hospital in Michigan, and then went to Pennsylvania. The hospital and the Philadelphia Institute of Infertility receive specialized training.

Dr. Nelson’s superb medical technology and rich knowledge have been recognized by many professional associations in the United States and have been approved to become members of them, including the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Medicine (SREI), and assisted reproduction Society for Regenerative Medicine (SART), American Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology for Holistic Medicine (FACOOG), American Society of Gynecological Laparoscopy Surgeons, American Society for Holistic Medicine, Pacific Coast Society of Reproductive Medicine.

Dr. Nielsen team member
Dr. Nielsen and triplets clients
Reunion after 13 years

Another successful Hawaiian triplets by Dr. Nelson

At the 25th anniversary of the Nielsen client group gathering, the client had four failures before and succeeded for the fifth time at Dr. Nielsen.The first on the right is Dr. Nielsen’s Chinese assistant. The Taiwanese Chinese are gentle, professional and compassionate to the requirements of prospective parents.
25th Anniversary Customer Reunion
25th anniversary reunion
25th Anniversary Customer Reunion
Dr. Nielsen Online Review
HRC Dr. Nielsen XNUMXth Anniversary Group Meeting


American concubine

Go all out to create miracles and help the pregnant hero accompany you on your way to beg!