Semen fertilization: Humans may be sterile by 2050

Plunging sperm counts are a global problem, according to a new study with clear implications for natural human survival.Extrapolating current trends in sperm counts suggests that the species may be struggling to reproduce as early as 2050.A median (50%) of men will have a sperm count of zero, meaning that half of the men will produce no sperm at all, while the other half will produce so little sperm that they are infertile.

The researchers further confirmed previous information on sperm counts obtained in North America, Europe, and Australia, showing that declines in sperm counts were also mirrored in South and Central America, Asia, and Africa.

Most recently, in Fox News host Tucker Carlson's documentaryAided by "The End of Men," declining fertility rates and the resulting "masculinity crisis" have become a political issue in America.The film drew a backlash from the liberal press, who accused Carlson of "exacerbating fear" and "pushing pseudoscience onto the impressionable."

The worrying trend is getting worse.

Now, with Carlson's claims looking more prescient than pseudoscience, a team of researchers from Israel, the United States, Denmark, Brazil and Spain analyzed sperm count data from 53 countries that hadn't previously been included in such studies considered.

While sperm count data from North America, Europe, and Oceania have been rigorously analyzed and discussed, the same is not true for data from Latin America, Asia, and Africa.

For the first time, researchers were able to show that, as in the West, men in Latin America, Asia and Africa are suffering exactly the same "significant decline" in total sperm count (TSC) and sperm concentration (SC) as their peers.What's more, the researchers also showed that declines in both TSC and SC have been accelerating globally since 2000.

"Overall, over the past 46 years, we have seen a significant global decline in sperm counts of more than 50%, and the rate of decline has accelerated in recent years," Professor Hagai Levine said in a media release accompanying the study.

"Our discovery is like the canary in the coal mine. We face a serious problem that, if not mitigated, could threaten the survival of humanity. We make an urgent call for global action to create healthier environments for all species, Reduce exposures and behaviors that threaten our reproductive health," Levine added.

Professor Shanna Swan, co-author of the study and her new book Count DownShe made headlines last year with her book predicting an imminent "sperm destruction" scenario in which by 2050, sperm counts will be virtually zero, causing human survival problems.The median male sperm count may be zero, meaning that half of the men produce no sperm at all and the other half produce so little that they are infertile.

Although the study did not specifically investigate the effects of declining sperm counts outside of the Western world,Cause, but the authors strongly believe that "lifestyle choices and chemicals in the environment" are playing an important role.These are the reasons Professor Swan points out in her new book.

Obesity and inactivity have been strongly linked to reduced male fertility, as has exposure to so-called endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as BPA and phthalates.As people around the world get fatter and exercise less, the full extent of human exposure to endocrine disruptors, which are often critical to industrial processes like plastic manufacturing, is now being revealed.Microplastics—tiny pieces of plastic that serve as carriers of endocrine disruptors—have been found in Arctic ice, circulating in wind currents, on the bottom of oceans, and in the lungs, brains, and placentas of mammals, including humans.

Exposure to endocrine disruptors during pregnancy is a particular problem, with adverse effects on fetal development. Professor Levine noted that recent studies have shown that disturbances in the development of the reproductive tract during fetal development are associated with impaired fertility and other forms of reproductive dysfunction throughout life.

In addition to being a measure of reproductive health, sperm count is a more general indicator of men's health.Low counts are associated with lower testosterone levels and an increased risk of chronic disease, depression, testicular cancer and shortened lifespan.

"As reported in our paper, the troubling decline in men's sperm concentration and total sperm count of more than 1% per year is consistent with adverse trends in other men's health outcomes, such as testicular cancer, hormonal disorders and genital birth defects, and Women's reproductive health is declining. This clearly cannot continue unchecked," Swan explained.

The Importance of Male Ending

These worrisome trends are described in a recent Tucker Carlson original "end of manGained new political importance in ", the work examines the decline in male fertility, reflected in sperm counts and testosterone levels, and its impact on the wider health and success of the nation. The documentary interviews A range of experts, including Robert Kennedy Jr., and profiles the "bro scientist" attempts to restore manliness through exercise, clean eating, and most memorably, a "testicle tan."

The documentary drew backlash from commentators on the left, who accused Tucker Carlson of exaggerating, promoting "pseudoscience" and trolling "fascist" rhetoric by glorifying health, toned bodies or "super-aggressive masculinity" and imagery.Some commentators pointed out the absence of "people of color" in the documentary, while others were content to point fingers and laugh. "Tucker Carlson Documentary Is a Bizarre, Gay-Fever Dream," PublisherPink NewsheadlinesWrite.

It's hard not to suspect that Tucker is primarily concerned with young white males, one of the main reasons why demographic liberal commentators can hardly be accused of reacting to them, let alone caring.But the new study is an important wrench for those who want to claim that Tucker is simply playing with fears of a lost American past, where men are men.The truth is, masculinity crises are real, regardless of the color of your skin or where you were born.This is a global problem that we all must have an interest in addressing - before it's too late.

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