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The actual process of the US egg donation agency

American test tube baby

1. Select an egg donor

Provide matching donors as required.

2.Confirm egg donor

After the prospective parents confirm, our company will provide a letter of appointment for the egg donation agency. Remarks: The letter of appointment means that the prospective parents confirm the egg donor of the egg donor company.

3. Guest remittance

For guests who choose to open a trust account, the prospective parents will need to pay the full amount to the trust account provided by the trust. If you choose not to use a trust account, we will provide a company account. The payment node is to pay half of the deposit and pay the remaining half before the first day of the start cycle. Remarks: For customers who use a trust account, we will provide a remittance contract provided by the trust account, and the trust company can provide a certificate of remittance assistance.

4. Contact the hospital

After receiving the remittance, our colleague will contact the hospital's third-party nurse. Assist the hospital to do pre-examination for girls such as genetic testing, infectious disease testing, and follicle monitoring. During the proposed period, prospective parents also need to do genetic testing to ensure that their children do not have genetic diseases. *Local egg donor girls go to the hospital designated by the prospective parents for examination. *The examinations of egg donor girls in other countries will be conducted locally.

5. Psychological test of egg donors

Arrange psychological tests and report the psychology to the hospital. *Some hospitals need genetic counseling tests. Arrange genetic consultation and report the genetic consultation to the hospital.

6. Medical clearance

After completing the above 4&5, send all the results to the hospital, and the hospital will issue a medical clearance.

7. Legal clearance

Assist egg donors and prospective parents in preparing egg donation contracts, after both parties agree to the terms and sign. The law firm will issue a legal clearance. *Two laws need to be signed, one is the employment letter of the lawyer, and the other is the egg contract with the donor.

8. Buy insurance for egg donors

An IVF insurance will be purchased for egg donors before the start of the cycle.

9. Start of cycle

Local egg donors officially started the cycle. For egg donors abroad, I will book tickets for girls to come to the United States. Officially start the cycle.

10. Other

Local egg donors will go to the hospital for inspection, and our company provides monitoring. While the egg donor is in the United States, our company will provide a pick-up and drop-off service for each visit and egg collection. * We will take our egg donors to eat, shop, and take medicine. We understand that parents want to know more about the life of egg donors. We will provide photos to prospective parents for all egg donors in their daily lives. Regardless of whether the donor is a local or foreign donor, we will monitor the donor's injection every day, provide photos showing the metering of the injection, and make injections on time as required by the hospital. Make sure the cycle goes smoothly. Our serious treatment will definitely bring you a good pregnancy.