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U.S. Egg Donation-Choose Fresh or Frozen Egg Donation?

What is the difference between fresh and frozen donor eggs?

In an IVF cycle using fresh donor eggs, the retrieved eggs are fertilized with the sperm of the intended father. These embryos are then transferred to a surrogate or frozen for future use. On the other hand, the frozen donor eggs are taken out and then cryopreserved immediately before fertilization. They can then be melted and fertilized with sperm from the intended father or selected donor to produce embryos for transfer.

Back in 2013,Assisted Reproductive Technology Association(SART) reports that, In all donor egg cycleswill get 20%Use frozen eggs. As process technology improves, this number only continues to grow. Although the success rate of live birth with frozen embryo transfer is now comparable to that of fresh embryo transfer, frozen eggs are still at a low level.

Advantages and disadvantages of fresh donor eggs

Advantage 1: The success rate is always higher

Although the use of frozen donor eggs has become more and more common, there is one reason why the cycle of fresh donor eggs is still the rule: the success rate remains high.A 2017 studyThe results reviewed the latest statistics and found that if the eggs used have never been frozen, there is a 19% higher probability that the birth cycle will result in a live birth.

Advantage 2: Multiple frozen embryos

During the fresh egg donation cycle, expectant parents are entitled to all retrieved eggs. And because recent studies have shown that fresh eggs are more likely to produce viable embryos, parents-to-be may have more embryos. Although this is not a guarantee, it provides options. Not only can it provide multiple transfers during successful embryo transfers, but it also means that you are more likely to freeze the embryos and use them in more family planning plans later.

Disadvantage 1: Unforeseen circumstances

For some people, the unknown may be the most worrying part of using fresh egg donations. When participating in a fresh egg donation cycle, certain aspects of the process are simply unpredictable. Like any medical procedure, unforeseen circumstances may delay or prevent the cycle from occurring. The donor may not respond as expected to the drug and needs to be restarted or cancelled. Please rest assured that this is the purpose of the strict screening process and regular monitoring during the period of ovulation induction; the clinic will do everything possible to reduce the occurrence of these situations.

Disadvantage 2: Need more coordination

The fresh egg donor cycle means that parents-to-be will have to cooperate with a stranger who has never been in contact, and this relationship requires careful coordination! The egg donor agency will manage all detailed information, link the egg donor to the clinic, and include legal representation and travel arrangements.

Advantages and disadvantages of freezing donor eggs

Advantage 1: Almost no waiting time

The fresh egg donation cycle usually takes about 3 months to complete (not including the matching time), and freezing eggs does not take that long. There is no need to synchronize the cycle as in the fresh egg donation cycle, so the clinic can develop all medical plans according to the requirements of the expectant parents and perform the transplant faster.

Advantage 2: Generally lower cost

The IVF cycle of frozen donor eggs is generally less expensive than fresh donor eggs. However, depending on the success rate of fertility clinics using frozen egg donation, in fact, the overall cost may not be lower. If you plan to use frozen donor eggs, it is especially important to study carefully and choose a clinic.

Disadvantage 1: Fewer embryos available

Due to the frozen egg donor cycle, expectant parents are generally more limited in the number of embryos expected. You will receive a set of about 6 to 8 eggs, which can be used to make embryos. To help reduce costs, some people choose to share the queue with another prospective parent. This further limits the number of eggs and may cause cycle failure.

Disadvantage 2: Limited choices

For many people, choosing an egg donor is one of the most challenging decisions they make. Moving forward with the egg donor means giving up the genetic link of at least one parent. Finding the match that feels best gives a sense of control. A pile of donated eggs will inevitably provide fewer donors. Therefore, the quality that can be selected is smaller. Many prospective parents do not want to be limited in choice, but prefer the variety and personalized matching provided by the fresh cycle.

Cost comparison

There is no doubt that using frozen donor eggs is the cheaper option at first. A queue usually has about 6 to 8 mature eggs, and the price ranges from $13,000 to $16,000. This does not include any fees related to IVF. The cost of a new cycle usually starts at around $20,000 before the transfer cost, including compensation, psychosocial assessment and attorney fees.

How to choose fresh and frozen donor eggs?

take a look"HealthDay"The reporter reported the latest findings from the University of Colorado and Duke University.

"HealthDay" ROBERT PREIDT report

Thursday, February 2020, 2 (Healthday News)-A new study shows that freshly donated eggs seem to be more suitable for in vitro fertilization (IVF) than frozen eggs.The author says that the donated eggs provide the best chance of success for many women undergoing IVF.

However, research has not shown whether the use of fresh or frozen donated eggs in IVF can improve the success rate, so a team from the University of Colorado and Duke University analyzed nearly 3 IVF cycles using donated eggs in three years. Studies have found that fresh eggs have a higher probability of implantation and birth than frozen eggs. Compared with frozen eggs, fresh eggs have a 25% higher survival rate, and fresh eggs have a 10% higher chance of producing better results than frozen eggs. Fresh eggs have a 37% higher chance of multiple births than frozen eggs.

The authors of the study described the results of the study showing that there is an increasing practice of transferring single embryos during IVF to help avoid the complications of multiple births for mothers and children.The research results were published in the February 2th issue of "Obstetrics & Gynecology".

Senior author Dr. Alex Polotsky said at a press conference at the University of Colorado:"We can now confidently say that choosing fresh donated eggs and transferring a single embryo instead of multiple embryos will provide the best opportunities for healthy mothers and healthy babies." Alex Polotsky is the chief director of the Department of Reproductive Endocrinology, University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) shows that 1% to 2% of newborns in the United States are born through IVF, and more than 24,000 American women use donated eggs each year. If parents-to-be do not want to take risks and want to transplant as soon as possible, freezing donor eggs is also a good choice. However, if there are more requirements on the conditions of donor eggs and a better success rate is pursued, fresh donor eggs may be more suitable for you.

American Egg Donation FAQ

What is the process and cost of egg donation in the United States? How to choose the right egg donation?